Steffen is a Civil Engineer and Member of Engineers Australia. His professional background is in Land Management, Water Resource Management and Civil Structure Design. While Steffen is now in charge of all operations, Warren is still consulting back to him and works as his associate until mid 2019 to guarantee a smooth transition.

It is the intention to continue operating this Consultancy within the same areas of expertise that Warren was involved in on a day by day basis. We are very proud of the standard we believe that was provided by Slade AG Tech in the past and we will continue to work effectively and committed to the same standards. Past and current services include Dam Siting and Design, Farm Planning, Erosion Control, Water Supplies, Drainage Design as well as Land and Water Assessments for rural subdivisions. We are looking forward to a good and productive relationship with our past and future Clients and valuable Suppliers and Contractors.
Slade Ag Tech is an engineering design and consultancy company founded in 1996 by Warren Slade and he successfully operated the business for 22 years. He is now going to retire and we wish him all the best.
Warren Slade has sold the Business to his associate Steffen Schulz in February 2018.